Summer Program Volunteers

Equip and Serve Tomorrow's Missionaries TODAY!

Need: Teens cannot go anywhere without godly men and women willing to train, teach, and serve them first.

Location: 761 McKinnon Drive Cooroibah QLD 4565

Dates of Involvement:

Boot Camp: 8th - 20th December 2023

Debrief: 15th - 20th January 2024

Please note: Volunteer as you are able. You are not required to commit to all 10 days of Boot Camp or 4 days of Debrief. 

Aim: Equip, Serve and Empower Youth

Cost: Nothing! (Meal and housing will be provided.)

Join our team to empower and inspire youth to share God's love this summer. We need your life experiences, skills, and faith to support and prepare them for global service. If you're passionate about mentoring young people and helping them grow in faith, register today!

Married Couples and Families in Leadership
Volunteer at Boot Camp
Volunteer at Debrief

Experience the transforming power of God's Spirit as you help train and equip teams on strategic work and evangelistic projects around the world.